Monday, December 31, 2012

Whoo-ee what a year!

So, as 2012 comes screeching to a halt, I have some last minute reflections on this less than fan-tabulous year.  2012 was the year of:

1. Change. Oh how I hate you change. You mess up my wants. You get in the way of my needs, and basically you rake havoc on all that I do. This year, my husband came back from Afghanistan: Good change. We moved: Bad change. My mother moved in with us: Neutral Change. Without change, they say you will never grow. Whoever "they" are... I've grown. {*} Lived through change badge earned. (Can we not do change for a while?)

2. Money drainage. Holy cow. This should really say "money sieve".  Murphy had his way with us, this year. Our house was jacked up by our renters..not once, but twice. First with replacement of floors and doors...and more recently with fire damage due to candles.... Car issues, galore. Moving... that is always expensive..with the pet deposits and the security deposits..  Yep. {*} Money pit badge earned. (I'm ready for some prosperity.)

3. Family. Well.. now, family could be a good thing, and it can be a bad thing. There were major changes in our family (see item 1).  It's hard to take in your parents. When you were living with your parents before you were grown and moved out, they were the boss. Now..somehow, you are the boss...but not really. It's your house, yes..but they want what they want, too. So, some days it's like walking on eggshells until you get everything in order. And.. well this girl doesn't do eggshells that well... Yep {*} Eggshell badge earned. (I'm ready for some peace.)

4. Weight gain. Ok. So..yeah I'm a stress eater. And a holiday eater. And a sit down with a book eater. And a "I got bored" eater...  so yeah. I'm a eater. I love to cook food, eat food, give food... See the common word here? Food, perhaps? So.. all this food creates weight. Yitch. So.. 2013 is going be different. Well, I still will cook, eat and serve good food. But I'm hoping to shelf the bad habits and make some new good ones. That along with some actual exercise, and I might just kick this weight gain in the rear. Woot! {*} Pep talk badge earned. (Bring on the health!)

So, yeah..there's 4 off the top of the 'ol noggin. 

I've earned some badges and some scars this year. I figure everyone does, every year. I just want to make a difference. If no one ever reads this, fine. This is my journey. If everyone reads this and has comments good or bad, great. It's still my journey. I'd love to help myself. I'd love to help others. So.. I'm going to work on this blog. Post recipes. Post my exercise journey. Post my wants and needs. So.. like the title says.. bring on the Love, Lipstick and Licorice. I've got this!